Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Presenting our Findings

Date: Tuesday, February 23th 2016 
Location: Erfurt University
Objective: to present the final product and share project's findings

In our first post of this blog, the team of 150 perspectives: migration and regional development, presented ourselves, explained the goals of this project and proposed the way how we would to make this happen. After three months of full work,  trips to the city of Zeulenroda-Triebes, and interesting learning experiences, we presented today the final product of our project group. 

The presentation was conducted by Kyle Vigraham and was followed by a Question and Answer session by our guests, Dr. Schiffers from IBA, Covadonga Gonzalez from The Welcome Center of Thuringia,  Dipl. Ing. Andreas Jäger from LEG, and Anastasia Sabatkovskaya from the Willy Brandt School. 

Kyle Vigraham in the final presentation

Our guests

The findings of our visits and research were compiled in a booklet called "Project Recommendations". This document registered our proposals to the city administration of Zeulenroda-Triebes regarding how to look for migrants, how to attract them, and finally how the city might retain those migrants. 

Booklet "Project Recommendations"

The group of 150 perspectives thanks you for following this experience.

150 perspectives team